É meus caros, novamente estão tentando nos calar, agora foi a vez do PayPal. Hoje nossa conta foi suspensa e nossos fundos arrecadados perdidos( fundos que fazem nosso trabalho andar). Isso nos prova mais uma vez o quanto o nos odeiam por fazer o que é certo, não apenas no brasil, mas em todo o mundo. Estão a nos censurar de todas as formas possíveis.
Quem será o próximo a nos tentar calar a voz? Não sabemos, mas nada fará o LulzSecBrazil parar. Estamos a navegar em um mar muito agitado.
Email Recebido do PayPal:
We are hereby notifying you that, after a recent review of your account
activity, it has been determined that you are in violation of PayPal’s
Acceptable Use Policy regarding your website http://lulzsecurity.com.br.
Therefore, your account has been permanently limited.
You will need to remove all references to PayPal from your website(s)
and/or auction(s). This includes not only removing PayPal as a payment
option, but also the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart.
The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion,
reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User
Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use
Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that
encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal
The complete Acceptable Use Policy can be found at the following URL:
To learn more about the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to our Help
Center page here: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/helpweb?cmd=_help
If you have a remaining balance, you may withdraw the funds to your bank
account. Information on how to withdraw funds from your PayPal Account can
be found at our Help Center.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions,
please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at
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